Gil-Gotten Gains

Fine goods from the far reaches

Current Wares

Rotates with each visit! (Others on Request)

Mhachi Masks (Replicas)

The purpose of these masks are not certain; that said, K'ohtar and his team have found documentation to suggest they were worn as protection of the wearer's true self when negotiating with voidsent. A sign in BRIGHT RED LETTERS reads that K'ohtar will only entrust original masks to 'individuals or organizations with sufficient credentials', and only after several waivers have been signed. Several styles are available!

Allagan Theatrical Node

This device, recovered from a floating piece of debris in the Sea of Clouds, appears to be some sort of machine capable of dispensing immense amounts of artificial fog. While a tomestone found nearby suggested that these were briefly used in war efforts, they ultimately found greater use in courtly dramatic productions. Still works, surprisingly! Comes with a free bottle of probably-fog-mixture.

Sirensong Stone

Despite the name of this stone, it possesses no mind-altering capabilities whatsoever! Probably. Instead, this sample possesses a most curious ability to change its colors and hardness according to temperature, strengthening with heat, and becoming almost clay-like in extreme chill. Further details upon inquiry.

Haunted Hurdy (Ghostly Gurdy)

Alright, now this one's actually haunted. All sales final, and it comes with more waivers. Yay!Recovered from the shores of Pharos Sirius, while this instrument does not belong to the siren haunting the lighthouse (we think), it is confirmed to be haunted by the irate and very talented ghost of a seafaring skald, a towering roegadyn whose mastery of these keys can drive a ship full of sailors to greatest ruin or boundless elation. K'ohtar's notes even seem to indicate some measure of control over the weather...

Permanent Stock

K'ohtar sells several wood-block postcards of various ruins.
There are also prints without the taglines, and a small sign reading:
"Other locations carved and printed by request. Can be done on-site!"
The Sunken Temple of Qarn: It shows the main courtyard with a symbol along with the tagline "Where the Sun always shines!"Amdapor Keep: It shows several of the twisting halls and their vaulted ceilings, including a handful of mana idols in the distance. Tagline: "Can you Keep a secret? Wish you were here!"The Void Ark and Dun Scaith: These don't have a tagline, and were rendered with an unerring amount of realism. There's a somberness to the ink and muted colors.The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak: This features the sweeping, open-air tunnels grown over by moss and tree root. Somehow, he's managed to make it seem almost alive with warm light. Tagline: "A Thousand Maws, a thousand sights to seeā€¦if you don't mind the bugs."Various sketches of Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah. All of them are rendered at night and from a high vantage point, each city alight with golden glow.A painstakingly and intricately carved print of a pirate ship cresting the top of several waves, lit from behind by sunset as though it's about to burst into color. You can practically feel the salt-stained air looking at it.A distant view of Pharos Sirius, done prior to the calamity. The towering lighthouse has no shard of crystal thrust through it, and is attended to by a flock of seagulls and gentle moonlight.

About the store

Gil-gotten Gains is the fancy title for the contents of K'ohtar's pack after a long journey! He has a fondness for finding the 'little treasures' of civilizations past: bits of jewelry, kitchen goods, the occasional enchanted object or piece of art--if it might, in theory, go to a museum, he's probably picked it up, replicated it, and sold those replicas for profit. The originals, he makes a point of returning to any living descendents he can find or, barring that, to museums and cultural institutions who have the means to educate the public and further the research he starts.His major historical finds and most books he acquires can be found at the Moonshadows Archive.K'ohtar is on Marilith, and travels cross-realm for markets and trade. You can find him at the Pearl Lane Markets from time to time, or send in requests via mail for certain items or services. Feel free to poke Tairais on Discord, or send me a tell if you want to know more!

Available Services for hire

Expedition Guiding

Want to see the sights without the fights? K'ohtar's got decades of experience avoiding traps and tricks in everything from Allagan ruins to the local bear den!
Fit for groups up to twelve; supplies can be provided if you lack your own, but it'll cost you extra ;)
Inquiries welcome!___________________________

Woodcarving & Craft

Years of working carpentry and rigging on a first-rate ship has left K'othar with nimble hands. He specializes in boat repairs, but has a fondness for carving and furniture-crafting.
Currently accepting commissions.

Gleaning & Recovery

Rumors of treasure abound in Eorzea--who wants to spend time sorting the scams from the scores? Or, say you dropped your great-aunt's necklace while running for your life in that cave you thought it'd be a good idea to hide in.
Whatever the case, if you want a treasure found, K'ohtar's your seeker!
Inquiries welcome!___________________________

Experienced sailor & navigator

Got a ship but not a route? Worried about currents, sirens, or those gods-damned pirates? Well, this pirate's got the solution for you!
He's sailed from Limsa Lominsa to the Far East and beyond, and knows every shore it touches as keenly as his name.
Availability on request.